No ≠ Cannot
For Xan’s 17th birthday, we made a quick trip to Blue Ridge, Georgia
One of our adventures was a fourteen station sporting clays course
The entire course, packed with gentlemen at every station, would ask if I wanted to “take a shot”. They would gently remind me that no one out there was a professional, and it didn’t matter that I wouldn’t hit the clay, it was just for the fun of shooting the big gun
I thanked them all for their offers, and let them know that I preferred to observe from the golf cart
At the last station, the “ask” had become irritating. Unfortunately, I caved to the peer pressure. I promised to take ONE SHOT, if they would leave me alone afterwards
The guys agreed, and even offered to go first so I could watch them, and “learn the ropes”
Guy #1 stepped up…
First pull — miss
Second pull- miss
On, and on until finally, the sixth pull — miss
Guy #2 stepped up…
First pull — miss
Second pull- miss
On, and on until finally, the twelfth pull — miss
My turn. Kindly, they even loaded the gun for me
I stepped up…
First pull — hit
POINT OF THE STORY: just because a woman says she does not want to, does not mean that she cannot
•Noontootla Creek Farms | Sporting Clays Course•