Member-only story
I’m Scared to Spend the Night Alone
I am assertive, confident, and successful
I have trained in self-defense, self-offense, and combative weapons
I spend most nights in small-town Mississippi, on a quiet street, in a home blanketed with security, guarded by three large-breed dogs, and surrounded by those I love
And, yet — I am scared to spend the night alone
Terrified, really…
Did I mention, I am 40+ years old??
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As I get older [I can’t quite claim wiser…], the less content I am to continue living with personal “challenges”
Obviously, my quality of sleep is a challenge
After trying several “home-remedies” [with zero success], I contacted our local sleep-guru
Our consultation started out as any new doctor visit — how old? weight? height? tobacco? alcohol? hallucinations?
Me: Wait…what?! How dare you?! I’m not crazy, Doc!! NO!! I do NOT have hallucinations!! [said in a quite offended tone]
Doc: So you never go to sleep, and wake-up seeing a spider on you? Or someone in the corner of your room? And they are all so real????
Me: Well, duh — that happens every night
Doc: So…you have hallucinations…??
Me: Oh. Ehhhhh…. Yeah
Several sleep tests later, I was gifted with an explanation: narcolepsy